There are two fundamentally different ways to know that something is true. You can either “know” them from the perspective of your fallen nature, or you can know them from the perspective of a transformed life (with a renewed mind), as advocated in
Romans 12:2Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.   (ESV)
. We call this transformed perspective the “Kingdom” mind (as Jesus used the term in the Sermon on the Mount).

Coach: Ask your student to read out-loud the text in the paragraph on the left here and then ask them to talk about whether or not it makes sense to them. Also, the underlined Bible verse will pop up if you mouse over it.

(NOTE TO COACH: Remember, be careful NOT to correct or even comment on your student's answers, except to say "What else?" if their answer is too brief.)

Our Fallen nature — Our Fallen nature assumes that knowledge comes from logical inferences we make about observable data. When a Christian views life from their Fallen nature perspective, they attempt to justify what they cannot observe by finding physical evidence in order to convince others that their conclusions are not empty opinions. It is difficult for the Christian with a Fallen nature perspective, who relies only on “scientific” type (observable) processes, to defend knowledge such as revelation, because they cannot “prove” it with observable physical evidence. But humans rely on unsubstantiated bias all the time—calling it intuition or conscience, so they will not have to admit they know things they cannot prove. This is why people with a Fallen human nature perspective require Christians “prove” things of God, such as His existence, from physically observable “scientific” processes.

Coach: Ask your student to read out-loud the text on the left here and then ask them to tell you which parts of this makes sense and why, and if any parts do not seem right, and why.

(NOTE TO COACH: Remember, be careful NOT to correct or even comment on your student's answers, except to say "What else?" if their answer is too brief.)

Please discuss with your coach about some times when the above description might characterize your life, then click here to proceed.