View Instructions for the Coach

Which of the following questions would you like to explore more deeply with your coach?
(Note: These questions can be considered in whatever order most interests you.)
  1. What makes a trial in my life a trial?
       (Strengthens Core Assumptions of Trust and Soul Satisfaction)
  2. How can I be more successful?
       (Strengthens Core Assumption of Soul Satisfaction)
  3. What makes me a “good person”?
       (Strengthens Core Assumption of Justification)
  4. How can I quit worrying so much?
       (Strengthens Core Assumption of Trust)
  5. What makes me happy?
       (Strengthens Core Assumption of Soul Satisfaction)
  6. “At the end of the day,” does it really matter what I do?
       (Strengthens Core Assumption of Soul Satisfaction)
  7. How should I respond to change?
       (Strengthens Core Assumption of Trust)
  8. How do I control my feelings?
       (Strengthens Core Assumption of Soul Satisfaction)
  9. How do I know the unknown?
       (Strengthens Core Assumption of Knowing Truth)
  10. How do I know for sure what is right and wrong?
       (Strengthens Core Assumption of Justification)