Your Kingdom nature — Your Kingdom nature assumes feelings are a natural response of the soul flowing from a deep intimacy with Jesus, and that they are independent of circumstances. From the Kingdom nature perspective, emotions are not based on how well your experiences meet or fail to meet your expectations. Rather a Kingdom nature conforms your emotions to the way Jesus responded both to being exalted and to being persecuted. Jesus’ emotions, spoke of often in Scripture, are perfect feelings you receive from Him that you can trust. Sharing in the emotions of Jesus never require you to control them through reappraising events nor suppressing negative feelings that are inappropriate. Instead you will see all things as being controlled by a sovereign good God who always causes all things to work together for your good
(Romans 8:28)And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.   (ESV)

Coach: Ask your student to read out-loud the text on the left here and then ask them to tell you which parts of this makes sense and why, and if any parts do not seem right, and why.

(NOTE TO COACH: Remember, be careful NOT to correct or even comment on your student's answers, except to say "What else?" if their answer is too brief.)

Coach: After viewing the above video, have your student refer to their written answers from the first four questions from page one (“What makes a trial in my life a trial?” … ). Ask them to discuss which parts of their answers reflect their Fallen nature, and which parts of their answers reflect their Kingdom nature.

After you’ve discussed the above question(s), click here to proceed.